The protection of cultural property in non-international armed conflicts
protection of cultural property, armed confl icts, international humanitarian law, confl ict in Syria and Iraq, international customary lawAbstract
In her article, the author points out that contemporary armed confl icts are often of a non-international nature. She provides the
example of the ongoing confl ict in Syria and Iraq as one in which cultural property of universal importance has been at risk of destruction. Based on the defi nition of non-international armed confl ict, she notes that only a limited number of treaties belonging to the fi eld of international humanitarian law include provisions aimed at protecting cultural property during an armed confl ict. She praises the inclusion of rules concerning the safeguarding of cultural property to the general body of international customary law. She also notes that the introduction of the concept of individual responsibility for violations of international humanitarian law may pave the way for a more eff icient exercise of rules concerning the safeguarding of cultural property in armed confl icts.
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