Career and professional activation of an individual in the market environment
career, labour market, person, self-awareness, self-realisation, development, motivation, business activity, environmentAbstract
The career development of a modern specialist should involve maximum self-affirmation in a particular field of activity in the context of socio-economic change. In a competitive business environment, an integral part of the success of personal development is to ensure the ability to take conscious responsibility for the results of one’s own activities, and motivation for achievement in the implementation of professional actions and functions. Activation of the development of professional self-awareness, self-realization and psychological significance of one’s own professional qualities is the main prerequisite for the effective use of the personal and professional potential of the individual. Clear ideas about the psychological component of the implementation of professional tasks in accordance with market requirements and needs, the definition and implementation of relevant goals and motives contribute to the successful career development of the individual and their self-realization in modern working conditions.
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