Age and the functioning of academic teachers in the conditions of the covid-19 epidemic in Poland (based on their self-assessment)




age, distance learning, media competences, academic teachers, Covid-19, quality of life, mental well-being


The subject of the considerations of this publication is the functioning of academic teachers in terms of the consequences of their remote work, in the era of the Covid-19 epidemic in Poland, in their own assessment in relation to their age. The article consists of two parts: theoretical, in which the authors explain the concepts of remote work productivity, quality of life and mental well-being of academic teachers, and empirical, prepared on the basis of a qualitative analysis of the results of the study. The study was conducted in a group of 21 academic teachers (n = 21). It was a part of a project devoted to the study of the mental and social feeling of academic teachers in Poland in the Covid-19 era, in connection with the need to work remotely in higher education, with the use of 21 structured in-depth interviews, dealing with the issue of the functioning of the professional quality of life of this group of people. The aim of the research procedure was to identify one’s own level of competences in remote teaching and the assessment of the quality of professional life, as well as the sense of well-being among academic teachers of various ages in the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic. The conducted research showed a different level of evaluation of academic teachers regarding their own productivity in the area of media competences for remote work as well as evaluations related to the quality of professional life and the sense of mental well-being in the situation of the Covid-19 epidemic. Thus, age turned out to be the factor differentiating statements. Although a number of statements indicate a negative assessment of their own productivity, the quality of professional life and the sense of mental well-being, and that in all statements, stress is observed in the situation, it is optimistic that some teachers revealed pro-social values, the implementation of the mission of the teaching profession and the search for coping opportunities, in the face of difficulties and inconveniences. The conducted research also allowed to observe a lower level of self-productivity assessment, quality of professional life and sense of well-being in people aged 60 plus, compared to younger colleagues.


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Research reports

How to Cite

Age and the functioning of academic teachers in the conditions of the covid-19 epidemic in Poland (based on their self-assessment). (2022). School-Profession-Labour, 23, 378-430.