Silver economy. In search of an answer to the ageing of society – in the context of the labour market




silver economy, senior, social policy, labour market


The process of ageing of society is progressing dynamically, which will translate into an increase in the average age of employees. The challenges related to the growing number of elderly people focus on taking into account the needs of these people, both those in need of care and those who remain independent and socially active. Social and professional activation has a positive impact on the physical and mental health of people at retirement age, which in the long term will contribute to reducing costs incurred by local authorities in connection with the need to provide and develop care services provided by institutions such as Municipal Social Assistance Centre (MOPS, GOPS), Municipal Centre for Family Support (MOPR) and Residential Care Homes (DPS). The answer to the changing social needs is the development of the so-called silver economy. Its task is to support seniors in the care and medical sphere as well as to maintain and develop social, professional and physical activity. It will also generate the need to adapt institutions and employers to employ older workers and to create working conditions for them that will enable them to function effectively in the workplace. The article contains an introduction, a description of the areas of the silver economy, an analysis of the challenges facing the labour market aimed at seniors, and an ending indicating recommendations for the labour market.


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Articles and dissertations

How to Cite

Silver economy. In search of an answer to the ageing of society – in the context of the labour market. (2024). School-Profession-Labour, 24, 152-177.