Educational and vocational choices of students in post-secondary schools




educational choices, occupation, work, career, interests


Educational and professional choices in the modern world are complex and take place at three/four stages of education (taking into account the 2017 reform of the education system). Young people from the higher grades of primary school (previously lower secondary school) are in the process of transitioning from the world of education to the world of work. It is a special time in this age group when a young person makes decisions that may have consequences for his or her career. The article is devoted to the educational and vocational choices of high school students while taking into account the research conducted. It refers primarily to the motives for choosing a secondary school, interests, as well as career plans. The main part of the article presents the results of research conducted among 236 high school students. The study also includes generalizations and conclusions from the research.


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Articles and dissertations

How to Cite

Educational and vocational choices of students in post-secondary schools. (2023). School-Profession-Labour, 25, 338-361.