Professional development of the active generation in the labour market – course and prospects




professional development, occupational activity, generations: Baby Boomers, X, Y, Z


The article has a theoretical-empirical character. It addresses issues related to the professional development of individuals active in the labour market, taking into account the division into the Baby Boomers, X, Y, Z generations. Based on the subject literature, the process of professional development and the characteristics of each generation are presented. The article also presents
the results of qualitative research conducted at the end of 2022, aimed at determining the opinions of representatives of the generations active in the labour market regarding the course and future prospects of their professional development. The diagnostic survey method and the interview technique were used for research purposes. The analysis of the obtained research material indicates that due to variable conditions such as political, economic, social, and educational factors in which representatives of each generation grew up, their professional development proceeded slightly differently. However, problems related to professional support in the field of educational and career counselling at different stages of development, despite the passage of years, have proven to be similar.


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Articles and dissertations

How to Cite

Professional development of the active generation in the labour market – course and prospects. (2023). School-Profession-Labour, 25, 362-407.