Social approval and achievement motivation among students in prosocial activities as factors contributing to career choices




social approval,, achievement motivation, choice of career path


The presented article presents theories of social approval (Delroy L. Paulhus’ two-factor theory of social approval), achievement motivation (Heinz Schuler’s onion model of achievement motivation) and prosocial activity as factors contributing to students’ career choices. The main question posed during the study is whether there is a relationship between social acceptance and the motivation of Polish students to be prosocial. The students were tested using the Social Approval Test (TAS-22), the Achievement Motivation Inventory (LMI-K) and the author’s report card. Statistical analysis showed that there is a significant relationship between social acceptance and achievement motivation. Therefore, it can be concluded that social approval is an important motivation for achievement among prosocial students. Moreover, attention was paid to the importance of social approval and motivation as factors contributing to the choice of a career path among students, in particular students 
of humanities and social sciences. No significant differences were observed between the studied variables (social approval and achievement motivation) and sociodemographic and biographical characteristics.


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Research reports

How to Cite

Social approval and achievement motivation among students in prosocial activities as factors contributing to career choices. (2024). School-Profession-Labour, 26, 271-298.