Retirement coaching – a comparative analysis of the opinions of pre-retirees and retirees




coaching, retirement coaching, retirement planning


 The article is empirical in nature. The results presented fall within the research stream of positive psychology and focus on the period of late adult-hood, more precisely, retirement. The author of the article planned three papers on the title issue. These texts are the result of two related social opinion surveys. The purpose of the first one (Brzeziński, 2022a) – was to enrich the knowledge about the approach to retirement of people who will be retiring in the next 5 years and the desire to plan it using coaching. The second text (Brzeziński, 2022b) dealt with the perspective of people who are already in retirement, but have been there for no more than 7 years. The respondents retrospectively referred to the questions in the survey questionnaire. The third – this one – concerns the correlation of the opinions of the two groups of respondents. A quantitative research course of action was adopted and the diagnostic survey method was used, including the survey technique, which was conducted on 210 people. The general spring of the research is that the Polish pensioner has a positive attitude to retirement wants to be active and enjoy it as long as possible. Not many of the retirees adequately prepare for this stage in their lives.


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Research reports

How to Cite

Retirement coaching – a comparative analysis of the opinions of pre-retirees and retirees. (2024). School-Profession-Labour, 26, 409-433.