Social competencies as the foundation of teachers’ professional potential




social competencies, teacher, assertiveness, social exposure, interpersonal relations


The article has been devoted to the issue of social competencies of teachers, which are vital to achieve success on professional and general grounds in the changing social reality. It includes a description of social competencies based on the model of social competencies by Anna Matczak. The foundation for the empirical study have been the factor scales divided by the author as those concerning competencies determining effectiveness of functioning in intimate situations, competencies determining effectiveness of functioning in situations demanding assertiveness and competencies determining effectiveness of functioning in situations demanding social exposure. The obtained results of the study conducted among teachers prove that most of teachers are characterised by mediocre level of social competencies in the field of behaviours of intimate situations, as well as those behaviours that demand assertiveness or social exposure.


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Research reports

How to Cite

Social competencies as the foundation of teachers’ professional potential. (2021). School-Profession-Labour, 22, 138-147.