Management courses’ students towards distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic period – their academic engagement and satisfaction (survey report)




distance learning, Covid-19 pandemic, students’ academic engagement, students’ satisfaction


The development of the Covid-19 pandemic forced rapid and widespread use of distance learning. This mass educational 'experiment’ has given rise to a consideration of students’ academic engagement in distance learning, as well as their satisfaction with this form of education. The following research questions were formulated in this paper: To what extent did students of these courses engage in remote education in the analysed period? How did distance learning change their engagement with studying? What meaning did remote education have on their satisfaction with studying? What advantages and disadvantaged of distance learning did the students notice? Did the mode of study (full-time/external) differentiate the students’ opinions? The subject of the study was comprised of 172 randomly selected students of management courses, i.e. Management, Economics and Logistics. The research used an online survey technique, using a categorized and standardized questionnaire (including the UWES-S tool). The results showed that according to more than half of the management courses students who were surveyed, remote learning during the Covid-19 pandemic did not reduce their engagement in their studies. There was a decrease in engagement for 42.44% of those who were surveyed and an increase for one in four respondents (25.59%). According to more than half of the students, remote learning also did not decrease their satisfaction with studying. A decrease of satisfaction with studying was reported by less than half of the respondents (39.53%) and an increase ‒ by 33.72%.


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Research reports

How to Cite

Management courses’ students towards distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic period – their academic engagement and satisfaction (survey report). (2021). School-Profession-Labour, 21, 140-161.