Perceptions of school, occupation, and work among adult men who have become homeless




homelessness, homeless men, school, job, risk factors


This paper discusses homeless adults’ perceptions of school, occupation, and work from 33 individual in-depth interviews. Despite a positive perception on past employment experiences and often externally forced low involvement in school, the participants of the interviews were sceptical about possible enrolment in occupational courses. Family dysfunctions and the low socioeconomic status of the family of origin were indirectly or directly associated with the adolescent exit strategy. Addiction was most likely to mediate the relationship between family dysfunction and low involvement in school or social exclusion at school. The lost ability to work a physically demanding job limited the employment opportunities, which is in line with the observed overrepresentation of men of vocational education among the homeless, the labour supply in the presence of take-it-or-leave-it regimes, and a strong preference for self-employment over dependent employment reported by the homeless men.


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Research reports

How to Cite

Perceptions of school, occupation, and work among adult men who have become homeless. (2020). School-Profession-Labour, 20, 337-348.