Prevention in social work – Polish context
prevention, social work, social pathologiesAbstract
This paper provides an overview concerning the connections between prevention and social work. Both these types of activity have a common origin because they are derived from the theory of social pedagogy. At present, there is a growing need for social security as well as prevention which attempts to go beyond the existing facts and prevent aggravation of pathological phenomena in families and local communities. A major role in social security is played by social work performed with the aim of improving the functioning of individuals and families in their natural habitat. It includes elements of prevention preceded by a good diagnosis as well as pre-planned and methodical influencing based on the contract with the client. Both social work and prevention have the same axiological bases, which means that the supreme value is man who has the right to development, social participation and self-determination despite the difficulties they encounter. In addition to many other functions, social work also fulfils the preventive function through the actions that are undertaken in order to prevent the occurrence or development of adverse behaviours, states or phenomena in a particular population. The essence of these actions is to counteract such threats the occurrence or intensification of which is probable in the future.
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