Caregiver delegated to Germany – relation with the employer and relation with the person under their charge
caregiver, work, employerAbstract
The following article presents the results of the research conducted on a small (13 people) group of caregivers for elderly people, delegated to work abroad. The aim of he research was to get to know the reasons for the research group’s work, in relation to the employer and the people under their charge. The research methods were the structuralized interview and additional questions of the researcher. The research survey concerned the two aspects of work: the formal one, related to the work conditions (transactional contract) and the psychological one, related to the unwritten aspect of matters (relational contract).The results of the qualitative research were discussed keeping the division into the consecutively asked questions and the resulting answers. The research results were also compared within the subgroups singled out according to the previous job experience and divided into the two parts, one concerning the relations with the company and the other – with the people under their charge. The research results indicate the tendency of the care-givers’ reasons for working to change from the formal and transactional ones (such as earnings, type of contract and its duration) into the relational ones: one’s attachment to the company and the people under their charge, through the building of positive relations. This change in the analyzed research results happens once the caregivers have gained more job experience and transforms from the definitive orientation towards the financial aspect to the habit, attachment and building the relations with the people under their charge. These tendencies in the conducted research seem to confirm the observation resulting form the researcher’s professional experience, and will require some greater commitment to this issue, as well as conducting longitudinal studies of much greater research groups.
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