Interpersonal competencies of the socially maladjusted youth. Social-professional perspective




interpersonal communication, socially maladjusted youth, social competences, interpersonal competences, juvenile rehabilitation


The aim of the article is an attempt to diagnose the level of interpersonal competences of socially unsuitable youth. The issues raised are a narrow part of the area of social competence. The article contains the results of author’s research, which was conducted in one of the youth educational centres for the group of male minors in the intellectual norm. The research was conducted in the mainstream of a quantitative approach. For their implementation, a diagnostic survey method based on the test technique was selected. The research tool was a standardized test that allowed to examine general communication skills, skills in avoiding errors in communication and those related to verbal and non-verbal communication. The obtained results showed that the general level of interpersonal competence of boys from the resocialization facility in the vast majority was at a very low level, which confirmed the hypothesis. The conclusions drawn from the research correspond with those that were the result of similar inquiries about the socially maladjusted youth.


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Research reports

How to Cite

Interpersonal competencies of the socially maladjusted youth. Social-professional perspective. (2019). School-Profession-Labour, 18, 274-292.