Professional development concepts - an overview of selected theoretical positions
career, professional development, career development conceptsAbstract
Looking at the subject of careers turns out to be extremely significant in the face of the variability and heterogeneity of the contemporary world, the dynamics of which do not remain insignificant to the changes taking place in the labour market. In this context, the concept of professional development cannot be neglected, the analysis of which has important implications for the practice of vocational guidance. The article presents an overview of selected theoretical positions on the professional career of man, beginning from the theory of traits and factors, through psychodynamic and psychological and development theories, ending with the socio-cognitive ones. Its main axis of narrative focuses on making the reader aware of the subjective dimension of career, around which current scientific considerations oscillate, but points out that the conditions in the world should not be ignored in shaping their course. The specificity of contemporary transformations encourages permanent reflection on the course of a person’s professional development.
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