Styles of problem management by lecturers of a military university and the locus of control




coping with stress, locus of control, military university


Coping with stress and the sense of control over the work done are vital issues in the specific profession of a lecturer of a military university. The quality of educational activity might be significantly lowered when dealing with various problems and coping with the accompanying stress as a result of adopting incorrect solutions, which additionally causes the loss or significant decrease in the sense of control over the situation. Thus, it is worth taking a closer look at the problem through an in-depth analysis of its particular dimensions, especially in terms of observed dependencies against the background of the socio-occupational conditions. The empirical research carried out among lecturers of a military university will allow to diagnose the situation and to formulate relevant conclusions. The results of analyses have been presented on the basis of research results obtained at the War Studies University in Warsaw with the use of standardised measurement tools as well as the elements of descriptive and correlation statistics.


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Research reports

How to Cite

Styles of problem management by lecturers of a military university and the locus of control. (2019). School-Profession-Labour, 18, 315-329.