The obligation of providing first aid by teachers in the legal and medical aspect
first aid, life and health threat, teacher, schoolAbstract
The obligation to provide first aid in the state of threat to life and health applies to every citizen. However, in the case of teachers, this obligation is particularly important due to taking care of a child. In order for the teacher to be able to give first aid safely, he or she should be trained in this area. The basic provision from which the obligation to provide first aid results is § 1 art. 162 of the Criminal Code, which concerns the general public duty to provide first aid, that is, everyone regardless of education, occupation or origin, etc. This offense can be committed by either a doctor, a paramedic nurse or other people without medical training. In principle, the provision imposes an obligation on every person who has become aware of an emergency and on the fact that the person is in the state of threat to health and life. Failure to provide first aid is treated as a formal offense, i.e., the failure to provide first aid regardless of the effect that occurred (no impairment, severe health impairment, death). First aid can be provided in a variety of ways, at least it should consist in minimizing the danger that would pose a direct threat to human life or health, and preferably in its removal. The nature of the first aid will depend on the weather conditions, the type of danger, the qualification of the person providing assistance and resources available at the time of providing assistance (e.g. first aid kit).
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