Selected social changes in the post-modern world – implications for seniors’ education and lifestyle


  • Włodzimierz Olszewski Uczelnia Jana Wyżykowskiego, Polkowice



adult education, active aging, life styles, post-modernity


Dynamic changes which have been happening to the senior citizens’ environment in Poland make the post-modern – (neo)liberal model clash with the traditional one and even undermines it. The article mainly considers the individual experiencing a post-modern living, having problems with reading current ideology and defending “non-modern” values. It is significant to notice that (neo)liberalism makes the individual responsible for their personal development as much as it has never made before and thus the importance of the life-long education. The aim of the publication is the attempt to point out the chosen social transformations in post-modern world and their influence on discovering new/old educational spaces as well as the presentation of their significance for vertical education. The content also refers to the forms of leisure activities, indicating their new opportunities, which emerge for the fast growing population of senior citizens.


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Articles and dissertations

How to Cite

Selected social changes in the post-modern world – implications for seniors’ education and lifestyle. (2017). School-Profession-Labour, 13, 55-65.