Perceiving the level of stress in professional work by students of pedagogy and teachers
stress, stressor, stressful situation, professional work, occupational stressAbstract
The article, in its main part, contains the research report on the perception of various aspects of vocational work with reference to their stress impact. The research was undertaken because of a growing interest in the issues of work safety and prevention of various pathological phenomena accompanying the functioning of the professional employees. The phenomenon of stress at work has become more and more widespread, and it takes its intensification as a result of civilizational, cultural and economic changes. Facing this nowadays, not only the proper assessment of symptoms and effects of stress on the individual seems to be very crucial but also studying the awareness of its essence and sources becomes important too. The study was conducted in two social groups: students of pedagogy and professionally active teachers. This procedure was to reveal the disclosure of differences in perception of stressful work by the young people standing on the threshold of their vocational careers, and adults having already significant experience in the functioning in the world of work.
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