Endogenic determinants of human resource management at workplace


  • Urszula Jeruszka Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. M. Grzegorzewskiej, Warszawa




human resource management, endogenic determinants, organizational structure, organizational culture, diversity management, labour pedagogy


Endogenic determinants of human resource management determine the range of the personnel function in an organization. The aim of the article is to present selected determinants, the influence of which over goals, tasks, the choice of methods and practices of personnel management is very significant nowadays. The attention has been paid to the tendencies of structural-organizational transformations, the role of organizational culture in realizing processes and staff-related practices, as well as of managing the diversity of human resources in an organization. The relationship between the issues (problems) of human resource management and the issues of labour pedagogy has been indicated as well.


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Articles and dissertations

How to Cite

Endogenic determinants of human resource management at workplace. (2016). School-Profession-Labour, 12, 51-64. https://doi.org/10.34767/SZP.2016.02.04