Coaching and mentoring as measures of employee support in work environment


  • Marta Dobrzyniak Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz



employee, work environment, coaching, mentoring, support


In the following article, there have been presented two forms of supporting employees in the working environment: coaching and mentoring. The author has outlined the support of employees through coaching and mentoring with respect to the organizational model that includes both structural and “soft” aspects, related mainly to the staff. The organizational model has been presented and the author has indicated the specific features of coaching and mentoring. The article focuses on presenting of the importance, the complementary functions and distinctions of the two selected forms of support of employees in the workplace.


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Articles and dissertations

How to Cite

Coaching and mentoring as measures of employee support in work environment. (2016). School-Profession-Labour, 12, 144-152.