Employees’ feeling of subjectivity in knowledge based organizations. Readiness for resignation from subjectivity among managers working for international corporations


  • Andrzej Zygadło Uniwersytet Zielonogórski




human resource management, flexible organization based on knowledge, feeling of subjectivity, readiness for subjectivity, resignation from subjectivity, lifelong education


Searching for effective methods of business organization management in the post-industrial times has led both researchers and managers to creating a model of human resource management. In so organized labor environment an employee is treated not as a cost being constantly cut down but as a capital which should be invested and developed. Implementing such a method is only possible in organizations that are based on knowledge. Labor relations in such organizations are based on conditions of subjectivity. The author of the paper tries to prove that subjectivity in labor organizations, although in general is a positive phenomenon, in reality of business management has a lot of limitations, conditions and can create various dilemmas. Due to individual feeling of subjectivity, the author introduces the idea of employees’ readiness for implementing subjective relations into their professional activity. It is also connected with employees’ readiness for feeling objectivity instead of subjectivity (resignation from subjectivity). There are a lot of factors influencing on employees’ readiness for subjectivity among which the author emphasizes the importance of education, especially lifelong education. It appears to be beneficial both for employees and for the organizations they work for.


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Articles and dissertations

How to Cite

Employees’ feeling of subjectivity in knowledge based organizations. Readiness for resignation from subjectivity among managers working for international corporations. (2016). School-Profession-Labour, 11, 73-85. https://doi.org/10.34767/SZP.2016.01.05