Creating imagination models of phenomena and processes in vocational education


  • Katarzyna Pardej Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej w Warszawie



imagination models, cognitive activities, vocational education


The article characterizes one of the levels of cognitive activities models – the level of imagination models. It discusses the importance of having an imagination model in the process of learning a profession in the perceptive level through absorption and in the operation level through discovering. A few examples of tasks involving hairdressing and car servicing have been presented to illustrate the importance of having imagination models to complete the tasks successfully, as well as the consequences of their lack. Demonstrative and problem methods used when teaching a profession have been demonstrated. The article includes a number of examples of classes stimulating the creation of the imagination models of phenomena and processes.


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Articles and dissertations

How to Cite

Creating imagination models of phenomena and processes in vocational education. (2016). School-Profession-Labour, 11, 129-152.