The school as an agora for the young generation of modern civilization
school, labor market, the situation of the young generation, civilizationAbstract
The author founded that the school in the life of every young person is the place where various processes occur, which in a very important impinge on it, as this young person will be prepared to act independently after leaving school walls. This school sets its development prospects, creates a basis for directing the development, as well as the shapes are manifest ability to overcome problems and to customize it to the changing conditions resulting from any kind of Civilizational change. In this article we expressed some reflections on the essence of modern civilization that on this basis reveal social obligations and expectations placed on modern schools and teachers working there. The second part of the article contains some reflections on the situation of young generation that goes with the „world” of education to „the world” of work. Special attention was paid to the difficulties faced by young people in the process of finding a professional job opportunities. At the end of considerations formulated some reflection on the situation in which work of today contemporary school. Proposed several necessary changes which, according to the article's author can make there is a significant improvement in adjusting the education offering to the needs of the modern, still very smooth labor market.
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