Synergy of the activity of teacher and students in the process of acquiring knowledge and skills in the context of new challenges in teacher education


  • Agnieszka Hłobił Politechnika Koszalińska



teacher, competencies, improvement, creativity, problem methods


Article discusses the process of activating skills students’ in the didactical-educational process. The focused on such educational procedures that take into account humanistic approach against a student based on cooperation and dialogue, application of problem training methods and different forms of work. New demands and expectations placed before the teacher define it as a creative unit, creative, open to change, which has the capacity and skills of cooperation, communication and the willingness to learn from others and teach others. Taking into account existing research and experience with educational practice prevails in Polish school is frontal model of education, where the teacher holds a dominant role. There is a need to pay special attention to the development of these competencies and skills among future teachers, which allow them to inspire change in the didactical-educational process, creative solutions to educational practice and action full of inventiveness.


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Research reports

How to Cite

Synergy of the activity of teacher and students in the process of acquiring knowledge and skills in the context of new challenges in teacher education. (2015). School-Profession-Labour, 9, 76-86.