Young people’s beliefs regarding the unemployed


  • Marta Czechowska-Bieluga



the unemployment, the beliefs, young people


Young people constitute a characteristic group of the unemployed. The notion of work has many various meanings for them, which offers them opportunities for both personal development and for growing up in a role of a member of a specific community. Social competences, including the declared beliefs, are named among the causes of the unemployment of young people. This article endeavours to provide the diagnosis of the beliefs of young people (school and university students) regarding the long-term unemployed, and to show the selected correlations. 1084 persons participated in the study, including 588 secondary (general and technical) school students and 496 students of various faculties of tertiary education from nine provinces of Poland. The results of the analyses indicate that young people declare the firmest belief that the long-term unemployed have poorer knowledge and the weakest belief that the long-term unemployed are to be blamed for their own occupational situation. The results presented may be useful for the purpose of perfecting specific strategies and forms of assistance and prevention provided to young people by specialists and voluntaries.


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Research reports

How to Cite

Young people’s beliefs regarding the unemployed. (2020). School-Profession-Labour, 19, 190-202.