Some aspects of the career counsellors’ operation in contemporary school


  • Iwona Mandrzejewska-Smól Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz



education and career choices, career development professional, the youth, school


Today’s rapid living-standard-and-social changes, mostly the development of technology and computerization, political system transformations, job market changeability and uncertainty, the effect of mass culture and its popularisation methods, influence the operation and the lifestyle of today’s youth facing the need of taking many challenging decisions for life, also in terms of education and career choices. With the above in mind, there is a need to perform structured actions to facilitate the knowledge of professions and career opportunities, at least at the level of middle school, and to develop a stable system of career development counselling. However, the operation of school personnel responsible for monitoring the process of pupil preparation for taking education and career decisions is insufficient and they are not, in fact, adequately prepared to do so; hence the need to employ career development professionals offering professional counselling services at schools. The presence of the career development professionals at schools is an advantage not only for pupils who can get assistance in planning their education and career paths but also for teachers and parents in terms of the knowledge of professions and career opportunities actions and in terms of supporting the pupil’s career development decisions. The young generation is facing a challenge of taking education and career decisions in today’s frequently changing and unpredictable reality, while the role of the counsellor who must be not only adequately prepared but also aware of the ongoing changes is becoming most essential.






Articles and dissertations

How to Cite

Some aspects of the career counsellors’ operation in contemporary school. (2012). School-Profession-Labour, 3, 62-70.