Educational determinants of adults’ professional functioning in knowledge-based economy
workplace learning, lifelong learning, adult learning, knowledge-, based economyAbstract
In this article, I deal with the problem of adult work-related learning in the knowledge-based economy. I put forward and try to prove the following four theses: (1) The concept of the “knowledge-based economy” should now be understood metaphorically, not literally. Due to the dynamic socio-economic changes, the practical implementation of the assumptions of the “knowledge-based economy” is not so much about knowledge, but about permanent learning in connection with work experiences. (2) In the knowledge-based economy, scientific knowledge is important, but personal knowledge and tacit knowledge are becoming more and more crucial. (3) The effective implementation of the concept of a knowledge-based economy and the understanding of its opportunities and risks cannot be an administrative, legal or economic matter only. The knowledge-based economy uses both the potential of (scientific) knowledge and the human potential for learning and development. Learners and their communities are the key, so research in this area is necessary in the field of social sciences, in particular pedagogy. Otherwise, the idea of a “knowledge economy” will blow up spontaneously, perhaps for the benefit of industry and multinationals, but not for the benefit of individuals. (4) In the knowledge-based economy, it is clear that it is necessary to start differentiating scientific theses about the educational dimension of work depending on the nature of this work. The general models and theses of learning in the workplace and work-related learning developed so far do not take into account the specificity of various professional activities. In this article, I deal mainly with pedagogical issues, but I sought to use scientific sources outside of pedagogy, looking in other scientific disciplines for what was pedagogically
important and inspiring, and so far not present in the pedagogical discourse.
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