Selected personality traits and organizational factors in the work environment and professional burnout among emergency dispatch operators ‒ results of a pilot study




competencies of a modern psychologist, psychology students, mode of study, assessment


The phenomenon of occupational burnout, due to its severe consequences at both the individual and organizational levels, is attracting the interest of an increasingly wide range of specialists, not only psychologists but also doctors. This trend is confirmed by the classification of occupational burnout as an occupational syndrome in the 2019 ICD. In view of the aforementioned consequences borne by the development of the phenomenon, many researchers want to determine the risk factors for the development of occupational burnout, so that in the long run, it can be effectively prevented. In this area, opinions are divided. However, two dominant positions are emerging – one that assigns more importance to personal factors, and the other that considers organizational factors more important. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to verify whether there is, and if so, what is the relationship between personality work determinants and perception of organizational climate and job burnout? In addition, it was decided to verify whether sociodemographic variables such as seniority, gender, education, hobbies, relationship status and having children statistically significantly differentiate the level of job burnout. The pilot study included 100 Emergency Number Operators from four Emergency Notification Centers of varying sizes in terms of the number of employees and located in different parts of Poland. Data obtained from the LBQ, BIP questionnaires and the author’s sociodemographic data questionnaire confirmed the presence of a very large number of statistically significant associations between organizational climate and job burnout and less statistically significant relationships between personality traits and job burnout. In addition, sociodemographic variables were found to slightly significantly differentiate the level of occupational burnout in the study group.


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Articles and dissertations

How to Cite

Selected personality traits and organizational factors in the work environment and professional burnout among emergency dispatch operators ‒ results of a pilot study. (2023). School-Profession-Labour, 25, 474-520.