Resilience and teacher agency in the context of self-determination theory




resilience, teacher agency, teacher self-efficacy


The purpose of the article is to find the relationship between resilience and teachers’ sense of agency and sense of self-efficacy. The article presents the most important attempts to define resilience and resilience of teachers and is a theoretical attempt to identify and operationalize the common dimensions between resilience, agency, and self-efficacy of teachers. In certain areas, these three categories influence each other and are also related to motivation, success, work engagement, and teacher well-being. The article certainly does not explore the topic in depth, but rather signals the research possibilities arising from the specificity and multidimensionality of the categories discussed in the context of the teacher.


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Articles and dissertations

How to Cite

Resilience and teacher agency in the context of self-determination theory. (2024). School-Profession-Labour, 27, 57-70.