Socioeconomic situation of hearing and deaf youth during the COVID-19 pandemic
socioeconomic situation, hearing youth, deaf youth, COVID-19 pandemicAbstract
The paper is empirical in nature. The aim of the study was to answer the question, ‘How do hearing and deaf young people perceive their socioeconomic situation during the COVID-19 pandemic?’ Hearing adolescents (98 participants – 65.3%) and deaf adolescents (52 participants – 34.7%) participated in the study. The subject of the research was the socio-economic status of the families of the young people covered by the study. The research was exploratory in nature. A diagnostic survey with elements of questionnaire technique was used as a research method. Moreover, an original survey tool was used, i.e. a survey questionnaire prepared to collect data online. The analysis of the empirical material made it possible to learn about the knowledge and opinions of adolescents on those criteria that determine the assessment of the socioeconomic situation of the family during the COVID-19 pandemic. The concluding section presents conclusions for pedagogical practice.
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