Maternal reconstruction of the personality of a portuguese early childhood education teacher ‒ the emergence of grounded theory (résumé from my own research)




early education, early childhood education teacher, grounded theory, personality, qualitative research, reconstruction


The aim of the exploratory research was developing a grounded theory that could outline the importance of the personality of an early childhood education teacher. The described research process was carried out in accordance with the concept of grounded theory. The empirical material consisted of transcriptions interviews held with mothers of children at an early school age in Portugal. As a result, it was possible to formulate a research hypothesis which led to the conclusions that mothers recognize the importance of the personality of an early childhood education teacher in the educational process, and their statements oscillate around four areas arranged according to the degree of intensity of their statements, namely: build positive relationships, motivate to learn and act, stimulate correct development and maintain the well-being of students.


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Research reports

How to Cite

Maternal reconstruction of the personality of a portuguese early childhood education teacher ‒ the emergence of grounded theory (résumé from my own research). (2020). School-Profession-Labour, 20, 177-193.