Physiognomy and graphology in recruitment and selection processes. Historical and contemporary perspective
psychology of appearance, physognomony, graphology, determining the personality of the future employee, rapidcognition processAbstract
The article presents the attempts made in the interwar period to determine the suitability of candidates for specific posts and occupations based solely on their appearance, hand writing or social status. For this purpose, the author uses articles from the interwar press, i.e. from “The Illustrated Literary and Scientific Courier.” The article recalls the results of analyzes of physognomists and graphologist sat that time regarding the ways of predicting the personality of an employee based on their body structure, face or hand writing only. Since the so called “first impression” seems to be crucial nowadays, the author believes that the information presented in the article can be, to some extent, inspiring and useful not only for today’s recruiters, but also for every other person experiencing various situations of everyday life. To prove her point, the author presents Malcolm Gladwell’s views, the writer of the best-selling book en titled “A Blink. Power of Thinking Without Thinking”, that convinces the readers of the undisputed importance of their own intuition in the process of the so-called “rapid cognition”.
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