Educational activity in senior citizens in view of successful ageing
successful ageing,senior citizens activation, educational activity of OAPsAbstract
The issue of successful ageing is very significant in terms of independent and unassisted functioning of the senior citizens in the society, since it is related to the problem of a good adaptation to the old age, where aspects promoting the autonomy and independence of that age group dominate. In many cases it is related to the activation of the senior citizens, which is of a great importance in the life of that age group. Out of many forms of activity, the educational activity mostly simulates the adaptation skills, as well as affects the quality of life throughout the ageing period of an individual. The fundamental objective of education in old age is to facilitate optimal ageing, mostly based on possibly maximal unassisted and independent functioning, as well as taking up active forms of participation in social life. Taking up the educational activity by the senior citizens, although it is not an ideal and optimal solution for successful ageing, is still a relatively attractive proposal in terms of the quality of life at old age, especially for those who wish to continue their educational activity or wish to take it up as a new area of activity. The needs of the OAPs vary indeed and do not always coincide with the activity theory. With that in mind, it is worth an extended reflection on the kind and scope of actions to activate the OAPs, at the same time respecting the decision of the people who make an informed and voluntary decision to choose the social withdrawal not to make it lead to their exclusion.
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