Resilience and peer support networks for students after the covid-19 pandemic




peer support, resilience, distance education, COVID-19, mental health, DigiPsyRes


After the COVID-19 pandemic, digital education has become a permanent part of the higher schools offer, and adapting to it has become a necessity for students. A number of studies have shown the digital transformation is difficult for students, who suffer from increased stress levels and other social withdrawal, as well as further various mental health risks. Therefore, issues of resilience and support networks have received considerable attention. Both researchers and practitioners have taken actions to support the development and strengthening of resilience in young people. An example of this is the DigiPsyRes project – implemented at three universities in Serbia, Poland, and Italy. Its aim is to provide  an up-to-date diagnosis of young people’s resilience and to develop a ready-made training set for a peer support network for mental and digital resilience. The aim of the article is to promote activities that contribute to the optimization of students’ functioning. This is achieved through detailed reporting of good practice, such as DigiPsyRes networks, which provide students with resources and support to build digital and psychological resilience. 


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Research reports

How to Cite

Resilience and peer support networks for students after the covid-19 pandemic. (2024). School-Profession-Labour, 27, 90-107.