The role of gender, pandemic experience and sleep quality in explaining covid-19 anxiety levels in polish university students




pandemic, covid-19, coronavirus fear, Sleep quality, students, higher education


The period of the COVID-19 pandemic period was a time of many changes requiring continuous adaptation to emerging circumstances. Higher education has been particularly affected by the changes, as the student community faced some difficulties in adjusting to an entirely new distance learning format. The unpredictability of the situation faced by the group of young learners may have affected their sleep sphere and their way of experiencing the pandemic situation, resulting in a perceived fear of COVID-19. The research aimed to investigate whether the experiences related to the COVID-19 pandemic (being ill or knowing someone who has died of COVID-19, being vaccinated against this disease or having coexisting diseases) and the sleep quality of students could explain the level of coronavirus anxiety. In the study, the Polish adaptation of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S), the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and a self-developed questionnaire were employed. The analysis included 121 Polish university students (including 91 females), aged 18–30 years. Sleep quality and gender were found as significant predictors of the COVID-19 anxiety. Women, in comparison to men, and individuals with lower sleep quality exhibited significantly higher levels of anxiety. Thus, it can be concluded that current psychophysical state and gender were more significant in determining anxiety levels than previous experience of the COVID-19 pandemic.


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Research reports

How to Cite

The role of gender, pandemic experience and sleep quality in explaining covid-19 anxiety levels in polish university students. (2024). School-Profession-Labour, 27, 121-139.