Selected attitudes towards school evaluation i.e. the Cinderella tale set in the Polish school


  • Zuzanna Sury Uniwersytet Jagielloński



Attitudes toward evaluation, School evaluation, Teachers, Evaluators


The author presents the results of surveys conducted in 2015 and 2016, concerning the attitude of teachers (1) and evaluators (2) to school evaluation. The first survey analysed the content published at online forum sites for teachers and the other used the
in-depth expert interview method. The results of both surveys were compared and, in accordance with the concept of bricolage, the characteristic attitudes towards evaluation in Polish schools were identified. Based on the identified attitudes, it was concluded that
evaluation functions like the Cinderella fairy-tale, because at the idea level, it is considered to be a valuable activity, but at the level of practice, it causes the feeling of helplessness, fear and underestimation. The key conclusion of the surveys is that evaluating institutions should be separated from controlling institutions.


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Research reports

How to Cite

Selected attitudes towards school evaluation i.e. the Cinderella tale set in the Polish school. (2017). School-Profession-Labour, 14, 202-220.