Teacher and the paradigm of constructivism
teacher constructivist, education, constructivism, neurodidacticsAbstract
Being a professional – active teacher based on the choice of paradigm – a teacher constructivist, and looking for uniqueness in it has been under discussion in this article. Constructivism is a name for a way of thinking of education built on creative, cognitive student activity deriving from one’s knowledge and beliefs. This current is based on two
fundamental epistemological assumptions: knowledge is actively structured by a learning person, and searching for knowledge is an adaptive process in which there is a gradual, mental organization of the explored and experienced world. For the teacher constructivist, active studying means understanding the core of the given issue and conscious work on it until the student starts doing things automatically. The recognition of the fact that the development of the potential in the most important in teaching is not enough for its internalization. Individual and group work are of necessity. Ways of learning are as unique as the development of student’s potential, which is a process that will never become final.
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