Inactive status in Teacher Charter


  • Jakub Grygutis Uniwersytet Jagielloński



teacher, inactive status, public school


The aim of this article is to present the procedure of termination of a contract of employment with a teacher employed by a state-run school on grounds not related to the employee, in particular placing on inactive status. This problem is of significant importance in the times of baby bust, when the demand for teaching services is decreasing. Baby bust is a ground for terminating employment that is not related to the employee. The article presents the legal regulation in historical perspective and demonstrates legislative proposals. The legislator in the article 20 of the Teacher Charter established a particular procedure of termination of the contract of employment on the organisational grounds or due to partial liquidation of the employer. This procedure aimed at giving better protection measures to teachers in comparison with the general regulation of the Act on group layoffs. Pursuant to the Teacher Charter, the institution aiming at protecting employment status of senior teachers was established under the name of „placing on inactive status”. This institution reflects the quasi-clerkship status of the teacher profession. This solution is similar to that provided by the Act on Civil Service. Its core is based on the requirement to re-employ the teacher in a given school in case there is a need to create a new workplace within 6 months from the date of inactive teacher’s application to retire.


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Articles and dissertations

How to Cite

Inactive status in Teacher Charter. (2016). School-Profession-Labour, 11, 104-117.