Career development of a person under the conditions of social and economic changes




career, labour market, business activity, entrepreneurship, competitiveness


Labour market conditions and modern socio-economic changes have led to the need for developing an active professional position, professional self-awareness, independence of an individual in mastering market values, professional activity, principles of adaptive behaviour in the market, factors of competitiveness and successful career development. It is very important to take into account the following: reasonable choice of career type and career stage, market monitoring analysis, factors influencing career orientation, attitude to work, goals and motives of a particular individual. These factors are necessary for both a worker and an organisation interested in planning an effective strategy for career management and personnel development management, as well as in regulating professional cooperation between all participants of business relations and the harmonious satisfaction of their interests, goals and motives regarding career development. In the current context of socio-economic changes, it is necessary to emphasise the role of entrepreneurship in the career development of a person, in particular the role of its economic and social functions in realising one’s personal and professional potential, self-awareness and self-reliance in making organisational and managerial decisions and applying innovations for solving professional problems. Psychological factors relating to competitiveness, motivation, success orientation, causes of effective personal and professional development, independent decision-making and job satisfaction also influence a person’s career development in the marketing environment under the influence of socio-economic changes. Positive trends in career development indicate the increasing motivation and dedication of an individual to his or her vocation.


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Articles and dissertations

How to Cite

Career development of a person under the conditions of social and economic changes. (2020). School-Profession-Labour, 19, 13-32.